Published papers
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In Press / Not Yet Assigned to Issue
Aks, I. R., Patel, H., Davis, I. S., Schulze, E. M., & Pelham, W. E. (2024). Parental monitoring, parental knowledge, and the occurrence of potentially traumatic events in adolescence [pdf]. Research on Child and Adolescent Psychopathology. [supplement].
Patel, H., Tapert, S. F., Brown, S. A., Norman, S. B., & Pelham III, W. E. (2024). Do traumatic events and substance use co-occur during adolescence? Testing three causal etiologic hypotheses [pdf]. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry. Available online.
Schwarz-Torres, J. C., Davis, I. S., Thornburg, M. A., Patel, H., Aks, I. R., Tapert, S. F., Brown, S. A., & Pelham III, W. E. (2024). How can clinicians improve parental monitoring of adolescents? A content review of manualized interventions [pdf]. Evidence-Based Practice in Child and Adolescent Mental Health, 1–13.
Park A. H., Patel, H., Mirabelli, J., Eder, S. J., Steyrl, D., O’Connor, C., Martin, P., Lanius, R. A., McKinnon, M. C., & Nicholson, A. A. (in press). Machine learning models predict PTSD severity and functional impairment: a personalized medicine approach for uncovering complex associations among heterogeneous symptom profiles. Psychological Trauma.
Wade, N. E., Patel, H., & Pelham III, W. E. (2024). A Comparison of remote versus in-person assessments of substance use and related constructs among adolescents [pdf]. Substance Use & Misuse, 59(10), 1447–1454 [supplement].
Aks, I. R., Patel, H., Pelham, W. E., Huestis, M. A., & Wade, N. E. (2025). Cannabinoids in hair and their prospective association with mental and physical health outcomes in adolescents [pdf]. Neurotoxicology and Teratology, 108, 107433.
Davis, I. S., Thornburg, M. T., Patel, H., & Pelham III, W. E. Digital location tracking of children and adolescents: a review and theoretical model [pdf]. Clinical Child and Family Psychology Review. [supplement]
Pelham III, W. E., Racz, S. J., Davis, I. S., Aks, I. R., Patel, H., McMahon, R. J., Thornburg, M. A., Huang, Y.-T. W., Schulze, E. M., Gonzalez, O., Tapert, S. F., & Brown, S. A. (2024). What is parental monitoring? [pdf] Clinical Child and Family Psychology Review. [supplement]
Pelham III, W. E., Tapert, S. F., Gonzalez, M. R., Ahiarakwe, U., Patel, H., Davis, I. S., Meruelo, A. D., Van Rinsveld, A. M., Marshall, A. T., Dick, A. S., Guillaume, M., Dowling, G. J., Baskin-Sommers, A., & Brown, S. A. (2024). How does parental monitoring reduce adolescent substance use? Preliminary tests of two potential mechanisms [pdf]. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, 85(3), 389–394.
Pelham III, W. E., Patel, H., Somers, J. A., & Racz, S. J. (2024). Theory for how parental monitoring changes youth behavior [pdf]. Clinical Psychological Science, 13(1), 18-42. [supplement].
Meruelo, A. D., Brumback, T., Pelham III, W. E., Wade, N. E., Thomas, M. L., Coccaro, E. F., Nooner, K. B., Brown, S. A., Tapert, S. F., & Mrug, S. (2024). How do anger and impulsivity impact fast-food consumption in transitional age youth? [pdf]. AJPM Focus, 3(3), 100208.
D’Alessandro-Lowe, A. M., Patel, H., Easterbrook, B., Ritchie, K., Brown, A., Xue, Y., Karram, M., Millman, H., Sullo, E., Pichtikova, M., Nicholson, A., Heber, A., Malain, A., O’Connor, C., Schielke, H., Rodrigues, S., Hosseiny, F., McCabe, R. E., Lanius, R.A., & McKinnon., M.C. (2024). The independent and combined impact of moral injury and moral distress on post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms among healthcare workers during the COVID-19 pandemic. European Journal of Psychotraumatology, 15(1), doi: 10.1080/20008066.2023.2299661
Kiss, O., Nagata, J. M., de Zambotti, M., Dick, A. S., Marshall, A. T., Sowell, E. R., Van Rinsveld, A., Guillaume, M., Pelham III, W. E., Gonzalez, M. R., Brown, S. A., Dowling, G. J., Lisdahl, K. M., Tapert, S. F., & Baker, F. C. (2023). Effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on screen time and sleep in early adolescents [pdf]. Health Psychology, 42(12), 894-903. [supplement]
Gonzalez, O., Georgeson, A. R., & Pelham III, W. E. (2023). How accurate and consistent are score-based assessment decisions? A procedure using the linear factor model [pdf]. Assessment, 30(5): 1640–1650. [supplement].
Pelham III, W. E., Tapert, S. F., Zúñiga, M. L., Thompson, W. K., Wade, N. E., Gonzalez, M. R., Patel, H., Baker, F. C., Dowling, G. J., Van Rinsveld, A. M., Baskin-Sommers, A., Kiss, O., & Brown, S. A. (2023). Pandemic-related changes in the prevalence of early adolescent alcohol and drug use, 2020–2021: data from a multisite cohort study [pdf]. Journal of Adolescent Health, 73(2): P338-346. [supplement].
Pelham III, W. E., Tapert, S. F., Gonzalez, M. R., Wade, N. E., Lisdahl, K. M., Guillaume, M., Marshall, A. T., Van Rinsveld, A., Dick, A. S., Baker, F. C., Breslin, F. J., Baskin-Sommers, A., Sheth, C. S., & Brown, S. A. (2023). Parental knowledge/monitoring and adolescent substance use: a causal relationship? [pdf]. Health Psychology, 42(12), 913-923. [supplement].
Lydiard, J., Patel, H., Strugatsky, Y., Thompson, W. K., Pelham III, W. E., & Brown, S. A. (2023). Prospective associations between cannabis use and depressive symptoms across adolescence and young adulthood [pdf]. Psychiatry Research, 115190.
Wade, N. E., Sullivan, R. M., Tapert, S. F., Pelham III, W. E., Huestis, M. A. , Lisdahl, K. M., & Haist, F. (2023). Concordance between substance use self-report and hair analysis in community-based adolescents: hair analysis nearly doubles adolescents identified as having used substances [pdf]. American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse, 49(1): 76-84. [supplement].
Gonzalez, M. R., Brown, S. A., Pelham III, W. E., Bodison, S. C., McCabe, C., Baker, F. C., Baskin-Sommers, A., Dick, A. S., Dowling, G. J., Gebreselassie, S., Guillaume, M., Marshall, A. T., Sheth, C., Sowell, E. R., Van Rinsveld, A., & Tapert, S. F. (2022). Family well-being during the COVID-19 pandemic: The risks of financial insecurity and coping [pdf]. Journal of Research on Adolescence, 33(1): 43-58. [supplement].
Pelham, W. E., Tapert, S. F., Zúñiga, M. L., Thompson, W. K., Wade, N. E., Gonzalez, M. R., Patel, H., Baker, F. C., Dowling, G. J., Van Rinsveld, A. M., Baskin-Sommers, A., Kiss, O., & Brown, S. A. (2023). Pandemic-related changes in the prevalence of early adolescent alcohol and drug use, 2020-2021: data from a multisite cohort study [pdf]. Journal of Adolescent Health, 73(2), 338-46.
Patel, H., Easterbrook, B., D’Alessandro, A., Andrews, K., Hosseiny, F., Rodrigues, S., Malain, A., O’Connor, C., Schielke, H., McCabe, R. E., Nicholson, A. A., Lanius, R., & McKinnon, M. C. (2023). Associations between trauma and substance use among healthcare workers and public safety personnel during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic: the mediating roles of dissociation and emotion dysregulation. European Journal of Psychotraumatology, 14, 1-13.
Ouellette, M., Mutschler, C., Roth, S., McCabe, R., Tissera, T., Patel, H., Boyd, J., Nicholson, A., Hewitt, J., Lopes, J., Jeffs, L., Schneider, M., McKinnon, M., & Hatchard, T. (2023). The transcending protocol: A cognitive-behavioral approach for addressing the psychosocial impact of minority stress in transgender and gender diverse (TGD) individuals. Journal of LGBTQ Issues in Counseling, 17(1), 57-76.
Gonzalez, M. R., Brown, S. A., Pelham III, W. E., Bodison, S. C., McCabe, C., Baker, F. C., Baskin-Sommers, A., Dick, A. S., Dowling, G. J., Gebreselassie, S., Guillaume, M., Marshall, A. T., Sheth, C., Sowell, E. R., Van Rinsveld, A., & Tapert, S. F. (2022). Family well-being during the COVID-19 pandemic: The risks of financial insecurity and coping [pdf]. Journal of Research on Adolescence, 33(1): 43-58. [supplement].
Gause, N., Sales, J. M., Brown, J. L., Pelham III, W. E., Liu, Y., & West, S. G. (2022). The protective role of secure attachment in the relationship between experiences of childhood abuse, emotion dysregulation and coping, and behavioral and mental health problems among emerging adult Black women: a moderated mediation analysis [pdf]. Journal of Psychopathology and Clinical Sciences, 131(7), 716–726.
Sullivan, R. M., Wade, N. E., Wallace, A. L., Tapert, S. F., Pelham III, W. E., Brown, S. A., … Lisdahl, K. M. (2022). Substance use patterns in 9 to 13-year-olds: Longitudinal findings from the Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development (ABCD) study [pdf]. Drug and Alcohol Dependence Reports, 5, 100120. [supplement].
Pelham III, W. E., Tapert, S. F., Gonzalez, M. R., Guillaume, M., Dick, A. S., Sheth, C. S., Baker, F. C., Baskin-Sommers, A., Marshall, A. T., Lisdahl, K. M., Breslin, F. J., Van Rinsveld, A., & Brown, S. A. (2022). Parental knowledge/monitoring and adolescents’ depressive symptoms: protective factor or spurious association? [pdf] Research on Child and Adolescent Psychopathology, 50, 919-931. [supplement].
Pelham III, W. E., Altszuler, A. R., Merrill, B. M., Raiker, J. S., Macphee, F. L., Ramos, M., Gnagy, E. M., Greiner, A. R., Coles, E. K., Connor, C. M., Lonigan, C. J., Burger, L., Morrow, A. S., Zhao, X., Swanson, J. M., Waxmonsky, J. G., Pelham Jr., W. E. (2022). The effect of stimulant medication on the learning of academic curricula in children with ADHD: a randomized crossover study [pdf]. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 90(5), 367-380. [supplement].
Pelham III, W. E., Yuksel, D., Tapert, S. F., Baker, F. C., Pohl, K. M., Thompson, W. K., Podhajsky, S., Reuter, C., Zhao, Q., Eberson-Shumate, S. C., Clark, D. B., Goldston, D. B., Nooner, K. B., & Brown, S. A. (2022). Did the acute impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on drinking or nicotine use persist? Evidence from a cohort of emerging adults followed for up to nine years [pdf]. Addictive Behaviors, 131, 107313. [supplement].
Pelham III, W. E., Corbin, W. C., Meier, M. H. (2022). Validating a brief screening measure for early-onset substance use during adolescence in a diverse, nationwide birth cohort [pdf]. Addictive Behaviors, 129, 107277. [supplement].
Marshall, A. T., Hackman, D. A., Kan, E., Abad, S., Baker, F. C., Baskin-Sommers, A., Dowling, G. J., Gonzalez, M. R., Guillaume, M., Kiss, O., McCabe, C. J., McCandliss, B. D., Pelham III, W. E., Tapert, S. F., Van Rinsveld, A., Sowell, E. R. (2022). Location matters: regional variation in association of community burden of COVID-19 with caregiver and youth worry [pdf]. Health and Place, 77, 102885. [supplement].
Marshall, A. T., Hackman, D. A., Baker, F. C., Breslin, F. J., Brown, S. A., Dick, A. S., Gonzalez, M. R., Guillaume, M., Kiss, O., Lisdahl, K. M., McCabe, C. J., Pelham III, W. E., Sheth, C., Tapert, S. F., Van Rinsveld, A., Wade, N. E., & Sowell, E. R. (2022). Resilience during COVID-19: socioeconomic disadvantage associated with higher positive parent-youth communication and youth-disease prevention [pdf]. Frontiers of Public Health, 10, 734308. [supplement].
Guillaume, M., Toomarian, E. Y., Van Rinsveld, A., Baskin-Sommers, A., Dick, A. S., Dowling, G. J., Gonzalez, M. R., Hasak, L., Lisdahl, K. M., Marshall, A. T., Nguyen, Q. T. H., Pelham III, W. E., Pillai, C. C., Sheth, C., Wang, A. M., Tapert, S. F., & McCandliss, B. D. (2022). Negative impacts of pandemic induced at-home remote learning can be mitigated by parental involvement [pdf]. Frontiers in Education, 7, 804191. [supplement].
Waxmonsky, J. G., Pelham III, W. E., Baweja, R., Hale, D., & Pelham Jr., W. E. (2022). Predictors of changes in height, weight, and body mass index after initiation of central nervous system stimulants in children with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder [pdf]. The Journal of Pediatrics, 241, 115-125.e2. [supplement].
Kiss, O., Alzueta, E., Yuksel, D., Pohl, K. M., de Zambotti, M., Muller-Oehring, E. M., Prouty, D., Durley, I., Pelham III, W. E., McCabe, C. J., Gonzalez, M. R., Brown, S. A., Wade, N. E., Marshall, A. T., Sowell, E. R., Breslin, F. J., Lisdahl, K. M., Dick, A. S., Sheth, C. S., McCandliss, B. D., Guillaume, M. J., Van Rinsveld, A. M., Dowling, G. J., Tapert, S. F., Baker, F. C. (2022). The pandemic’s toll on young adolescents: prevention and intervention targets to preserve their mental health [pdf]. Journal of Adolescent Health, 70(3), 387-395. [supplement].
Patel, H. & Amlung, M. (2022). Income shock increases preferences for smaller immediate rewards and reduces alcohol demand among a sample of crowd-sourced adults. Experimental and Clinical Psychopharmacology, 31(3), 605-611.
Patel, H., Naish, K., Soreni, N., & Amlung, M. (2022). The effects of transcranial direct current stimulation on impulsivity and risk among a sample of adult recreational cannabis users. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 16, 758285.
Patel, H., O’Connor, C., Andrews, K., Amlung, M., Lanius, R., & McKinnon, M. (2022). Dissociative symptomatology mediates the relation between posttraumatic stress disorder severity and alcohol-related problems. Alcohol Clin Exp Res, 46(2), 289-299.
Vedelago, L., Wardell, J.D., Kempe, T., Patel, H., Amlung, M., MacKillop, J., & Keough, M.T. (2022). Getting high to cope with COVID-19: Modelling the associations between cannabis demand, coping motives, and cannabis use and problems. Addictive Behaviors, 124, 107092.
Patel, H., Siegel, M., Hatchard, T., Veltman, A., McKinnon, M., Syan, S., Merrifield, C., Roth, S., Georgiades, K., Archie, S., Wolf, J., & Nicholson, A. (2022). The influence of minority stress on the neurobiological correlates of executive functioning. Quant Imaging Med Surg, 12(7), 4013-4015.
Gonzalez, O., Georgeson, A. R., & Pelham III, W. E., & Fouladi, R. T. (2021). Estimating the classification consistency of a screening measure and quantifying the impact of measurement bias [pdf]. Psychological Assessment, 33(7): 596-609. [supplement].
Pelham III, W. E., West, S. G., Lemery-Chalfant, K., Goodman, S. G., Wilson, M. N, Dishion, T. J., & Shaw, D. S. (2021). Depression in mothers and child externalizing and internalizing behavior: an attempt to go beyond association [pdf]. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 130(1), 60-77. Available online. [supplement].
Pelham III, W. E., Tapert, S. F., Gonzalez, M. R., McCabe, C. J., Lisdahl, K. M., Alzueta, E. R., Baker, F. C., Breslin, F. J., Dick, A. S., Dowling, G. J., Guillaume, M., Hoffman, E., Marshall, A. T., McCandliss, B. D., Sheth, C. S., Sowell, E. R., Thompson, W. K., Van Rinsveld, A. M., Wade, N. E., & Brown, S. A. (2021). Early adolescent substance use before and during the COVID-19 pandemic: a longitudinal survey in the ABCD Study cohort [pdf]. Journal of Adolescent Health, 69(3), 390-397. [supplement].
Baweja, R., Waschbusch, D. A., & Pelham III, W. E., Pelham Jr., W. E., Waxmonsky, J. G. (2021). The impact of persistent irritability on the medication treatment of pediatric Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder [pdf]. Frontiers of Psychiatry, 12, 699687. [supplement].
Stinson, E. A., Sullivan, R. M., Peteet, B. J., Tapert, S. F., Baker, F. C., Breslin, F. J., Dick, A. S., Gonzalez, M. R., Guillaume, M., Marshall, A. T., McCabe, C. J., *Pelham III, W. E., ** Van Rinsveld, A. M., Sheth, C. S., Sowell, E. R., Wade, N. E., Wallace, A. L., & Lisdahl, K. M. (2021). Longitudinal impact of childhood adversity on early adolescent mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic in the ABCD Study® cohort: Does race or ethnicity moderate findings? [pdf]. *Biological Psychiatry: Global Open Science. Available online. [supplement].
Chaarani, B., Hahn, S., Allgaier, N., Adise, S., Owens, M. M., Juliano, A. C., Yuan, D. K., Loso, H., Ivanciu, A., Albaugh, M. D., Dumas, J., Mackey, S., Laurent, J., Ivanova, M., Hagler, D. J., Cornejo, M. D., Hatton, S., …, Pelham III, W. E., …, Garavan, H. P. (2021). Baseline brain function in the preadolescents of the ABCD Study [pdf]. Nature Neuroscience, 24(8), 1176-1186 [supplement].
Baskin-Sommers, A., Simmons, C., Conley, M. I., Chang, S. A., Estrada, S., Collins, M. A., Pelham III, W. E., Beckford, E., Mitchell-Adams, H., Berrian, N., Tapert, S. F., Gee, D. G., & Casey, B. J. (2021). Youth civic engagement: lessons from Black Lives Matter [pdf]. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 118(41), e2109860118. [supplement].
Gonzalez, O., & Pelham III, W. E. (2021). When does differential item functioning matter for screening? A method for empirical evaluation [pdf]. Assessment, 28(2), 446-456. [supplement].
Mazza, G. L, Smyth, H. L., Bissett, P. G., Canning, J. R., Eisenberg, I. W., Enkavi, A. Z., Gonzalez, O., Kim, S. J., Metcalf, S. A., Muniz, F., Onken, L., Pelham III, W. E., Scherer, E. A., Stoeckel, L. E., Valente, M. J., Xie, H., Poldrack, R. A., Marsch, L. A., & Mackinnon, D. P. (2021). Correlation database of 60 cross-disciplinary surveys and cognitive tasks assessing self-regulation [pdf]. Journal of Personality Assessment, 103(2), 238-245. [supplement].
Waxmonsky, J. G., Pelham III, W. E., Campaa, A., Waschbusch, D. A., Li, T., Marshall, R., Baboscai, L., Humphrey, H., Fallahazad, N., Swanson J. M., Hanc, T., & Pelham Jr., W.E. (2020). A randomized, controlled trial of interventions for growth suppression associated with CNS stimulants in children with ADHD [pdf]. Journal of American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 59(12), 1330-1341. [supplement].
Coles, E. K., Pelham III, W. E., Fabiano. G. A., Gnagy, E. M., Burrows-MacLean, L., Wymbs, B. T., Chacko, A., Walker, K. S., Wymbs, F., Robb, J., Garefino, A., Hoffman, M. T., Massetti, G. M., Page, T. F., Waschbusch, D. A., Waxmonsky, J. G., & Pelham Jr., W. E. (2020). Randomized trial of first-line behavioral intervention to reduce need for medication in children with ADHD [pdf]. Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology, 49(5), 673-687. [supplement].
Pelham III, W. E., Hanno, P., & Pardini, D. A. (2020). Can machine learning improve screening for targeted violence and delinquency prevention programs? [pdf]. Prevention Science, 21(2), 158-170. [supplement].
Kuklinski, M. R., Crowley, D. M., Dishion, T. J., Wilson, M. N., Pelham III, W. E., & Shaw, D. S. (2020). Supporting strategic investment in social programs: a cost analysis of the Family Check-Up [pdf]. Prevention Science, 21(2), 256-267.
Pelham III, W. E., Page, T. F., Altszuler, A., Gnagy, E. M., Molina, B. S. G., Pelham Jr., W. E. (2020). The long-term financial outcome of children diagnosed with ADHD [pdf]. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 88(2), 160-171. [supplement].
Pelham III, W. E., Gonzalez, O., Metcalf, S. A., Whicker, C. L., Witkiewitz, K. A., Marsch, L. A., & Mackinnon, D. P. (2019). Evaluating the factor structure of the individual facets of the Five Facet Mindfulness Questionnaire [pdf]. Mindfulness, 10(12), 2629–2646. [supplement].
Pelham III, W. E., Gonzalez, O., Metcalf, S. A., Whicker, C. L., Scherer, E. A., Witkiewitz, K., Marsch, L. A., & Mackinnon, D. P. (2019). Item response theory analysis of the Five Facet Mindfulness Questionnaire and its short forms [pdf]. Mindfulness, 10(8), 1615–1628. [supplement].
Zhao, X., Page, T. F., Altszuler, A. R., Pelham III, W. E., Kipp, H., Gnagy, E. M., Coxe, S., Schatz, N. K., Merrill, B. M., Macphee, F. L., Pelham Jr., W. E. (2019). Family burden of raising a child with ADHD [pdf]. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 47, 1327–1338. [supplement].
Pelham III, W. E., & Dishion, T. J. (2018). Prospective prediction of arrests for driving under the influence from relationship patterns with family and friends in adolescence [pdf]. Addictive Behaviors, 78, 36-42. [supplement].
Valente, M. J., Pelham III, W. E., Smyth, H., & MacKinnon, D. P. (2017). Confounding in statistical mediation analysis: What it is and how to address it [pdf]. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 64(6), 659–671. [supplement].
Pelham III, W. E., Dishion, T. J., Tein, J. Y., Shaw, D. S., & Wilson, M. N. (2017). What doesn’t work for whom? Exploring heterogeneity in responsiveness to the Family Check-Up in early childhood using a mixture model approach [pdf]. Prevention Science, 18, 911-922. [supplement].
McIntyre, L. L., Pelham III, W. E., Kim, M., Dishion, T. J., Shaw, D. S., & Wilson, M. N. (2017). A brief measure of language skills at age three predicts special education use in middle childhood [pdf]. Journal of Pediatrics, 181, 189-194.
Dishion, T. J., Forgatch, M. O., Chamberlain, P., & Pelham III, W. E. (2016). The Oregon model of behavior family therapy: from intervention design to promoting large-scale system change [pdf]. Behavior Therapy, 47, 812-837.
Page, T. F., Pelham III, W. E., Fabiano, G. A., Greiner, A. R., Gnagy, E. M., Hart, K. C., Coxe, S., Waxmonsky, J. G., Foster, E. M., & Pelham Jr., W. E. (2016). Comparative cost analysis of sequential, adaptive, behavioral, pharmacological, and combined treatments for childhood ADHD [pdf]. Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology, 45(4), 416-427.
Pelham Jr., W. E., Fabiano, G. A., Waxmonsky, J. G., Gnagy, E. M., Greiner, A. R., Pelham III, W. E., Coxe, S., Verley, J., Bhatia, I., Hart, K., Karch, K., Konijnendijk, E., Tresco, K., Nahum-Shani, I., & Murphy, S. A. (2016). Treatment sequencing for childhood ADHD: a multiple-randomization study of adaptive medication and behavioral interventions [pdf]. Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology, 45(4), 396-415.